Human immunodeficiency virus infection and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) is a spectrum of conditions caused by infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).HIV/AIDS has had a great impact on society, both as an illness and as a source of discrimination and also has large economic impact.

The Anti-HIV Awareness Campaign was held on 06th January 2017 in Sector 8, Sanpada, Navi Mumbai from 2:00pm to 4:00pm.

This campaign was organized by the Student Council under the guidance of their respective teachers from the Teachers’ Council. As an effort of encouraging the budding pharmacists, the student volunteers were encouraged to have a one to one session of conversation with the people of the slum area in order to educate them or update any kind of knowledge about the fundamentals of HIV. The main aim of this campaign was to create a rise in the awareness about one of the silent taboos that goes ignored and is shied to be talk of. By doing this, the people were counseled on the prevention and causes of this disease that made them more aware of the hazards of the way of life and that made them realize how important it was to take care of themselves and their lifestyle. Also this campaign was targeted towards the people living in the slums, as they cover maximum part in the population and even if they know the measures to be taken they refrain to do it. Hence, this campaign was organized in an attempt to open their eyes about how important it is to abide by the precautionary measures. To connect with them on a more personal level inorder to avoid any kind of awkwardness as well as misconceptions, the volunteers tactically embrassed respective local languages like marathi, bhojpuri and gujarati.

The stepwise events which took place during the awareness were:-

  1. Assembly at the lobby area: The student council along with the teachers in-charge and the volunteers assembled at the lobby.
  2. Reporting to the venue: We reported at the venue and split ourselves in order to ensure interaction with maximum people.
  3. Interaction with people: They were informed regarding the methods of spread of HIV and how to prevent them.

The total no. of people were counsel- 41