Department of Pharmaceutics of Oriental College of Pharmacy [OCP], Sanpada, Navi Mumbai organized Faculty Development Workshop on ‘Successfully Attracting Research Funding: The Road From Idea To Getting Funded For Academic Researchers’ on Wednesday, 23rd May 2018. The workshop was attended by faculty of Oriental College of Pharmacy. The workshop was conducted by Ms. Ruchi Singh, Co-Founder & Chief Technical Officer, Cerelia Nutritech Pvt. Ltd. Principal, Dr. Sudha Rathod welcomed the resource speaker and she thanked the speaker for
sharing her knowledge and experience and also thanked Programme Convener, Dr. Mrs. Pradnya Palekar-Shanbhag, Professor & Head, Pharmaceutics Department for taking an initiative for such instructive approach. The faculty development workshop was designed to inculcate research culture among faculty and to translate faculty research into enterprises. It was divided into three different modules; the first module involved techniques of literature survey for identifying a good research topic and eliminating irrelevant or less important areas. The second module involved art of writing a research proposal to funding agencies to fetch good amount of research grant and the third module gave an overview of the process for applying for various research grants, funding opportunities available for academic research, and translation of academic research. The workshop ended with a demonstration of free referencing software. The Principal, Programme Convener and organizing committee thanked Prof. Javed Khan, President of Oriental Education Society and Mr. Waseem Khan, Managing Director for their strong support to organize such successful event.
Successfully Attracting Research Funding: The Road From Idea To Getting Funded For Academic Researchers.admin2018-07-09T11:10:03+00:00