Final year B.Pharm Sem VII (AY 2019-20)
A parents teachers meeting of final year B.Pharm sem VII was organized on Saturday 10th Aug 2019. The main purpose of meet was to create a common platform, where teachers and parents came together to improve the student’s educational performance and excellence. The agenda of the meeting was to discuss following points with the parents.
Attendance related matter
Performance in regular class test and quiz
Discussion wrt to upcoming Sem VII University exam
The meeting was attended by most of the parents. Principal Dr. (Mrs) Sudha Rathod gave the overall Orientation about final year studies and future job prospects. Mr. S.K. Kar has provided information about college placement activities. After the orientation, an individual interaction session was kept where in all the teaching faculty of final year has individually interacted with the parents. The teaching faculty of final year B. Pharm had interacted individually with all the parents about their ward studies, shortcoming and steps to improve their performance etc. Parents were happy and satisfied with the continuous efforts being taken by all the OCP teachers for all round development and improvement of the students. Parents have welcomed the common whatsapp group of parents and teachers as this group is acting as a platform to keep the parents updated about daily regular academic activities of sem VII final year B.Pharm.
We express our thanks to the parents for taking out time from their busy schedule to make this meeting a successful one. We hope and look forward for the same cooperation and support from the parents in college related matter.
Principal Class Incharge
Dr. (Mrs) Sudha Rathod Dr. (Mrs) Vandana Jain