Qualification: M Pharm, Ph.D. (Tech.) (Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai)
Date of Birth: 3rd October 1983
Designation: Assistant Professor (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
Subject Specialisation: Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Experience: 7.05 years
Teaching: 6.05 years
Industry: 1.0 year
Email: harish.kundaikar@ocp.edu.in
Mobile No: – –
Mobile No: – –
Subjects taught: Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Analysis
UG Level: Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Analysis
Research guidance:
- M. Pharm: Research Guide (1 student passed out)
- Ph.D: Nil
Research Publications:
- International: 15
- National: 00
Paper presentations:
- Oral presentation: Nil
- Poster presentation: 43
Research Projects handled: 01 (Industry Sponsored Project – completed)
Conferences attended: 5 of 16
Patents: Nil
Awards, Honours and Credentials:
- Invited to deliver a lecture on ‘Infrared Spectroscopy: Basics to Applications’ on 27th May 2019 by SVKM’s C. B. Patel Research Centre (CBPRC), Vile Parle, Mumbai.
- Awarded Best Teacher Award by Gahlot Institute of Pharmacy, University of Mumbai in 2010.
- Awarded Shri. G. M. Abhyankar Award for Poster Presentation by University Institute of Chemical Technology (UDCT/ICT), University of Mumbai for posterpresentation at Birla Institute of Technological Sciences, Pilani (2008)
- Awarded UGC-S.A.P. (JRF and SRF) Fellowship by University Grants Commission, Government of India during Ph.D.(Tech.) (2011-2016) at Institute of Chemical Technology, Deemed University, Mumbai.
- Awarded UGC-S.A.P. (JRF) Fellowship by University Grants Commission, Government of India during M.Pharm. (2006-2007) at Institute of Chemical Technology, University of Mumbai, Mumbai.
- Awarded Shri Brihad Bharatiya Samaj Scholarship in 2002-2003
- Awarded Sir Ratan Tata Scholarship in 2003-2004
- Awarded Sir Ratan Tata Scholarship in 2004-2005
- GATE Qualification (Pharmacy) qualified twice – Overall College Topper in B.Pharm. in GATE-2006 (95.00 Percentile, GATE Score 404). Class Topper in B.Pharm. Batch 2001-2005 in GATE-2005 (90.86 Percentile).
- 6 Awards for Poster Presentations: 2 Excellent Poster Awards, 1 Best Poster Award (2nd Prize), 1 Consolation Best Poster Award (4th Prize), 1 Consolation Prize for poster and oral presentation, Shri. G. M. Abhyankar Award for poster presentation.
- Reviewer to International Peer-reviewed journals by Elsevier and Wiley.
- Invited as resource person to deliver a lecture on ‘Infrared Spectroscopy: Basics to Applications’ on 27th May 2019 by SVKM’s C. B. Patel Research Centre (CBPRC), Vile Parle, Mumbai.